Vapur mikrofilter adalah, sistem filtrasi bebas kimia air yang memanfaatkan teknologi membran. Vapur mikrofilter aman menghilangkan 99,9999% bakteri pada air (seperti Salmonella, Kolera dan E. coli) dan 99,9% dari protozoa (termasuk Cryptosporidium dan Giardia).
Vapur menggabungkan botol dan mikrofilter dengan berat 2,7 ons, dan filter ini mampu memurnikan ratusan liter air dari danau, sungai, dan air keran. The Vapur mikrofilter adalah sahabat baru Anda untuk perjalanan dan petualangan.
Spesifikasi Produk :
Care label : Vapur us
Model : Microfilter
Size (L x W x H cm) : 25x15x6
Weight (kg) : 0.4
Manfaat :
1. Vapur dapat dilipat dan digantung sehingga mudah dibawa kemana – mana (portable)
2. Vapur Mikrofilter dapat membunuh mikroorganisme sehingga air dapat diminum
3. Berkualitas dan terpercaya karena Vapur Made in USA (Asli)
4. Ekonomis serta Ramah lingkungan karena Vapur dapat direfill/diisi ulang
5. Mudah dicuci/dibersihkan sehingga Vapur nyaman digunakan berkali – kali
6. Mencegah penyakit kanker karena bahan Vapur BPA free sehingga aman bagi kesehatan
7. Vapur menggunakan bahan baku bermaterial kuat sehingga tidak mudah robek, rusak ataupun bocor saat digunakan
8. Awet dan hemat karena Vapur bergaransi 18 bulan sehingga memberikan kenyamanan pada pemakaian dan ekonomis bagi anda
9. dapat memfilter air hingga 500 liter
Vapur microfilter is a water-free chemical filtration system that utilizes membrane technology. Vapur microfilter safely removes 99.9999% of bacteria in water (such as Salmonella, Cholera and E. coli) and 99.9% of protozoa (including Cryptosporidium and Giardia).
Vapur combines 2.7-ounce bottles and microfilter, and this filter can purify hundreds of liters of water from lakes, rivers and tap water. The Vapur Microfilter is your new best friend for travel and adventure.
Product Specifications:
Care label : Vapur us
Model : Microfilter
Size (L x W x H cm) : 25x15x6
Weight (kg) : 0.4
1. Vapur can be folded and hung so that it is easy to carry everywhere (portable)
2. Vapur Microfilter can kill microorganisms so that water can be consumed
3. Qualified and reliable because Vapur is made in USA (Original)
4. Economical and environmentally friendly because Vapur can be refilled / refilled
5. Easy to wash/clean so that Vapur is comfortable to use many times
6. Prevents cancer because Vapur BPA free materials are safe for health
7. Vapur uses strong raw materials so that they are not easily torn, damaged, or leaked when used
8. Durable and economical because Vapur is guaranteed up to 18 months so it provides comfort for use and is economical for you
9. Can filter the water up to 500 liters