Merupakan system penyaringan air baku yang berfungsi untuk menyaring dan menghilangkan kontaminan di dalam air dengan menggunakan media dan system tertentu, baik secara proses fisika maupun kimia. Filter air dapat digunakan secara luas untuk keperluan air bersih di beberapa sektor industri seperti pabrik, restoran, hotel, rumah sakit, peternakan, perkebunan, perikanan serta keperluan di sektor lainnya
Jenis Pre Filter Systems tersebut adalah sebagai berikut :
- Sand Filter
- 3 Micron Sand Filter
- Carbon Filter
- Iron Removal Filter
- 3 Micron Iron Master
- Softener Filter
- Scale Preventer Filter
- And more
Is a raw water filtering system that serves to filter and eliminate contaminants in water using certain media and systems, both physical and chemical processes. Water filters can be used widely for clean water needs in several industrial sectors such as factories, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, livestock, plantations, fisheries and other sectors
The types of Pre Filter Systems are as follows :
- Sand Filter
- 3 Micron Sand Filter
- Carbon Filter
- Iron Removal Filter
- 3 Micron Iron Master
- Softener Filter
- Scale Preventer Filter
- And more